Ponerme, si me place, el sombrero al revés, batirme por capricho o hacer un entremés. Cyrano de Bergerac

I am a Postdoctoral Fellow in cosmology at the University of Cambridge working with Blake Sherwin. My research focuses on turning microwave data collected from telescopes into insights about our Universe.

I am a member of the Simons Observatory and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope.

About me

Starting from this fall, I will be a KIPAC fellow at Stanford University.

  • 2019-2023: PhD at DAMTP and KICC. University of Cambridge
  • 2018-2019: MASt in applied mathematics and theoretical physics. University of Cambridge
  • 2015-2018: BSc in physics at Imperial College London

I am Spanish 🇪🇸 Æ and I was born in Hailar.

I can be reached at jq247[at]cantab[dot]ac[dot]uk